Looking for Interview/Blog Post Opportunities for April

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Looking for Blog Post/Interview Opps...

Promo Ops for PNR/UF/SF Romance Boxed Set

Hi Visitor,

I'm part of a Spec Fic (UF, Paranormal, and SF) Romance Boxed set, and we're in our final month that the boxed set will be available. The group of authors is looking for some last minute promo opportunities before the boxed set comes down/is no longer for sale. We're looking for anyone who has a podcast, videocast (you tube, twitch, etc.), or radio show (internet radio or regular/community radio) that we could be on (one of us individually or a group of us as a panel discussion/interview) or a blog that would host an interview (individual or group) or blog post or a FB Fan Page that we can take over for a day or anything like that. The boxed set comes down at the end of April, so we're looking for opportunities within the next couple of weeks. I know this is very last minute, and I apologize for that (and totally understand if you don't have any openings).

The boxed set is called Moonlight Mists (available in e-book only, from all major retailers). You can learn more about it at: https://books2read.com/Moonlight-Mist (universal link)


Terri Bruce
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