Old Book Monday - July 16

Quite a few book bloggers participate in a weekly meme in which they share delicious and mouth-watering pictures of the new books they have recently received. I love strolling through the blogosphere and checking out these pictures. I don’t buy a lot of new books but realized I could still participate by sharing pictures of what I do buy a lot of—OLD books. Hence, “Old Book Mondays”

This week’s “Old Book Monday” features yet another copy of... Tennyson's Idylls of the King.

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Here's a side-by-side comparison of this version of Idylls compared to the one I previously blogged about:

Idylls2 01Idylls 02
Yes, that's right, I own...::counts on fingers::...Okay, fine, I own SEVERAL copies. But they're all different, so it's not weird at all. Actually, one of the things I love about books in general is the different editions/covers that they can have. There are several book blogs out there that compare the U.S. cover to the U.K. cover of different books, and I read those blogs religiously because I find it all so fascinating.

So, what makes this version of Idylls so interesting? Well, this one I picked up before the super-fancy blue pleather one, when I had read my paperback copy to tatters; otherwise I might not have picked it up. However, what I love about this one in particular are the notes--the inside covers contain copious, hand-written notes on the characters and themes in the book. Obviously, someone (a student, perhaps?) was studying Idylls and/or the Arthurian Tales, which makes my heart glad.

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What about you? Have any recent book acquisitions you want to share?

For even more book love, visit some of the sites participating in any  of the following "weekly book haul" memes:
-Stacking the Shelves - hosted by Tynga's Reviews
-Unpack This - hosted by Mostly Reveiws
-Mailbox Monday - hosted by Marcia Larsen

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