Chinese Ghost Month


Today's I'm at author Kelly A. Harmon's blog talking about Chinese Ghost Month (which starts today this year!), a time when the dead are believed to walk the earth. While you're there, be sure to check out the rest of Kelly's site (and her books!). Kelly's Friday writing prompts are so  much more than a writing prompt - they are exotic, evocative short stories, strolls through the senses, ways of revisiting the world with fresh eyes and a sense of wonder. Her Friday posts are for readers and writers alike!

Interview at Limerence Magazine

I'm super pumped to be interviewed today at Limerence Magazine - a fairly new but incredibly beautiful, interesting, and professionally development - online magazine dedicated to film, literature, and music. Be sure to check them out!

Interview at Happy Tails and Tales

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Today I'm being interviewed by Maghon at Happy Tails and Tales Blog where I talk about writing challenges, killing off characters, and my list of suggested "must read" books. My first visit to Maghon's blog just re-enforced that I have found my people - her readers are just as big of animal lovers as Maghon is!

Interview at Writers and Authors

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Today I'm being interviewed at Writers and Authors where I talk about the writing life, what I like best about being a writer, and my advice to other writers. This is an awesome site for writers - full of awesome resources, helpful advice, and a fabulous place to promote your work (Jo *wants* to help you promote!). For readers, this a great place to find new authors and debut works to check out, often while they are still little known!

Interview at The Wormhole

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Today's I'm being interviewed by Beverly at The Wormhole where I talk about favorite books, writing influences, and the elements of a good story. Bookworms beware - Beverly's site is addictive. She's a very active reviewer and hosts a lot of blog tours, which means there's LOTS and LOTS of opportunities to win books from her site.

Interview at The Sweet Bookshelf

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Today's I'm being interviewed by Mary at The Sweet Bookshelf where I talk about bucket lists, alternative career choices, and the inspiration for Hereafter. Mary has nice, sweet taste in books - lots of general fiction and romance - so if your tastes run in this direction, this is a great blog to follow. Her "The News Stand" feature on Mondays is an excellent round-up of publishing and bookish news.

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