Hereafter Joins Self-Published Fantasy Blog Off Competition



Hereafter Has Joined the Ranks of the Self-Published Fantasy Blog Off 2017 Entrants

Writer Mark Lawrence has, for three years, run the Self-Published Fantasy Blog Off, a contest to bring attention to the number of high quality self-published fantasy books. As Lawrence noted in his introduction to the first SPFBO, the greatest challenge for self-published authors is discoverability. With so many books published daily/weekly/annually (through both “traditional publishing” and self-publishing) it’s incredibly hard for authors to get the word out about their books.

To that end, Mark created the SPFBO. Ten bloggers, most of whom don’t usually review self-published books, each agree to act as the judges. 300 books are accepted into the content and then randomly assigned to the ten bloggers (30 books each) to be reviewed.

Whereafter Blog Tour

whereafter stolzer 72ARCS now available!

I am now booking a one month blog tour for Whereafter (Afterlife #3) April 1st to April 30th (hosted by Bewitching Book Tours), including review stops. Find all the details and sign up here.

Whereafter Cover Reveal

Thereafter Banner Cover Reveal 450 x 169

Do you know what time it is? Do ya? Huh? Huh?

That's's time to reveal the cover of Whereafter!

YAYYYYYYYY!!!!! ::wild Kermit flailing::

Whereafter (Afterlife #3) Release Date Set!


I've set the release date for Whereafter, the next chapter in Irene's journey through the afterlife - it's March 15, 2016!!! Whereafter is now listed on Goodreads, so you can add it to your TBR list. Cover reveal and pre-order links coming soon - stay tuned!

Don't forget, I'm still looking for reviews of Hereafter on Amazon - I'm hoping to reach 50 reviews by the end of January, in which case, I will give away two $50 Amazon gift cards. So if you haven't yet reviewed Hereafter, please do so and help me give away these gift cards! You can read the details of the giveaway here.

"The Well" - Another Short Story Sold

I'm thrilled to announce that my short story, "The Wishing Well," has been sold to Third Flatiron Press for their forthcoming anthology "It's Come to Our Attention" about things happening under the radar or beneath the surface. Look for it in ebook and paperback in February.



Dear Robot Blog Hop


I'm super thrilled to announce the release of my short story, "Welcome to OASIS" as part of the Dear Robot: An Anthology of Epistolary Science Fiction.

DESCRIPTION: Dear Robot is an anthology of nineteen science fiction stories told in a variety of epistolary styles. Letters, scientific notes, manuals, and emails all tell different stories about the future. From a behavioral contract for interstellar exchange students to a transmission from an astronaut in space, these sometimes humorous, sometimes heartbreaking stories all use their structure to amplify their message—especially when that message is that a band of deadly robots are chipping away at the door.

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