Interview with C.J. Pinard

The Blog Ring of Power Presents...
An Interview with Author C.J. Pinard
Today we have an interview with fantasy author C.J. Pinard via BRoP member Emily LaBonte. Can I just say, I wish I could wear the shoes C.J. is wearing in her author pic. I'm very, very jealous! C.J. is here today to tell us a bit about her latest book, Soul Rebel, which features a new spin on succubi. Feel free to leave a comment or question for C.J. below, and when you're done here, pop on over to the other BRoP sites to read the rest of the interview.
BroP: Tell us about your new book and when it is out? Where can people purchase it?
C.J.: The book is called Soul Rebel. It’s about a guy named Nolan Bishop who meets a beautiful succubus at a nightclub in Shreveport. She steals souls, it’s what she does. And after she takes his, he finds out he has 7 days to get his soul back or he’ll turn into a vicious vampire. Oh, but then her twin sister gets involved and he has to try not to fall for her.
BRoP: Is there anything new, unusual, or interesting about your book? How is it different from other books on the same subject?
C.J.: I like to think I put a different twist on the succubus myth. She does invade my character’s dreams, but he doesn’t die after having his soul – or his essence – taken.
BRoP: What was the hardest part of writing this book? This book was a long work in progress.
C.J.: I actually started it a year ago, but kept putting it aside and working on other projects. I promised myself I would work on Soul the beginning of the year, and I have. This book was one of my hardest, but I can’t really put my finger on why. One day I might figure it out!
BRoP: What was your favorite chapter (or part) to write and why?
C.J.: Why, the ending of course! Nothing feels as good as finishing a book. Plus the ending rocks and it’s super awesome and touching.
BRoP: Tell us about your book’s cover – where did the design come from and what was the design process like?
C.J.: Oh gosh, this cover was a nightmare, ha! I designed it myself. It took me forever. I taught myself Photoshop and revised it and changed it a million times ‘til I was happy for it. We’ll see if Createspace will accept it (they are the devil!). That being said, it’s by far my best cover. I designed three of my other ones. I’m using professionals from here on out, though!
What format is your book(s) available in (print, e-book, audio book, etc.)?
Where can readers can stalk you:
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C.J. PINARD is a west coast native who has lived on both coasts and now lives near the middle, in Colorado! Coming from a family of writers and editors, she feels writing is in her blood and hopes people will lose themselves for a little while in the fantasy and fun of her stories. She also loves sweet red wine, the SF 49ers, and unlike most authors, doesn't have any cats. When she's not writing, she can be found chasing around her kids or working at her day job, which she totally feels interferes with life, but it also sometimes gives her inspiration for her books, since reality usually is way more interesting than fiction.

Goodreads | Amazon
This is part four of a five-part interview. Be sure to check out the other BRoP sites for the rest of the interview:
Part 1 @ Emily LaBonte
Part 2 @ Sandra Ulbrich Almazon
Part 3 @ Vicki Lemp Weavil
Part 5 @ T.W. Fendley