Interview with J.S. Hazzard

The Blog Ring of Power Presents...
An Interview with Author J.S. Hazzard
Today we have an interview with a good friend of mine - fantasy author J.S. Hazzard. J.S. is here today to tell us a bit about the writing life and her debut, Blood Leverage, which features a new spin on vampires. Feel free to leave a comment or question for J.S. below, and when you're done here, pop on over to the other BRoP sites to read the rest of the interview.
BRoP: What is your writing process? Do you follow a regular routine? Do you use pen and paper or computer?
J.S.: Work at home or at the library/Starbucks, etc. My routine is wildly irregular, and I’ll write just about anywhere. I love to escape the house to write. I occasionally use the library, but I really love to write in restaurants. Being constantly alone in the house gets a bit stifling. Sometimes a girl needs a bit of noise. And food! I hate to cook.
BRoP: When do you write?
J.S.: I prefer the early morning hours or the evening hours. As a general rule, my brain does not thrive in the afternoon.
BRoP: What has been the most surprising reaction to something you’ve written?
J.S.: The most surprising reaction I’ve ever had to my writing was my own, approximately fifty drafts into Blood Leverage, when I finished reading and finally thought, “Wow. This might actually turn into a real book.” Considering how appalling the first draft was, I’d had a great deal of doubt on that issue. Thank goodness I’m stubborn.
BRoP: Other than your family, what has been your greatest source of support?
J.S.: I didn’t tell people I was writing for an incredibly long time. For nearly an entire year, no one knew but my husband. Then for the second year, no one but my husband and my parents knew. It’s difficult for anyone to support you when they have no idea what you’re doing. However, upon emerging from the “writer’s closet”, I’ve really found nothing but support from everyone.
BRoP: How do you deal with rejection and/or negative reviews?
J.S.: I’d love to have some dramatic answer to this, like throwing breakable objects or calling in bomb threats. Sadly, the only realistic option is to learn what you can from each incident and continue to improve. (A reasonable amount of foul language can also help during this process.)
What format is your book(s) available in (print, e-book, audio book, etc.)?
Where can readers can stalk you:
Blog | Facebook | Goodreads | Twitter | Amazon Author Page | Smashwords Author Page
J.S. HAZZARD grew up in a tiny town in Western New York and now live in the suburbs of Buffalo with my husband and our little pit bull, Casanova. After years of term papers and legal briefs, I decided to attempt writing fiction mainly to see if I could do it. (It also sounded a lot more fun and possibly easier than practicing law.) Looking back, I'm pretty sure somebody must have slipped me special kool-aid, because there's nothing easy about the worlds of writing and publishing..

Aurora Strong is practically a pariah in her village thanks to her mother’s infamous involvement with vampires — not to mention her own inability to play by the rules. Not content with being a mere social outcast, Rory conspires in a secret, and very illegal, blood brokering scheme. She enjoys her private rebellion against the town that shuns her — until her partner in crime goes missing, and suddenly it’s not about her anymore.
Now, with her partner either enslaved as a living blood bank or already dead, Rory’s illicit blood brokering contacts are her only hope of making things right. Assuming they allow her to leave...or even to live.
Goodreads | Amazon | Smashwords
This is part two of a five-part interview. Be sure to check out the other BRoP sites for the rest of the interview:
Part 1 @ Vicki Lemp Weavil
Part 3 @ T.W. Fendley
Part 4 @ Emily LaBonte
Part 5 @ Sandra Ulbrich Almazon