Boskone Art Show Recap

So I attended my first Boskone and I am hard pressed to say whether I enjoyed the mango cheesecake served at the reception the first night or the art show more—and while that might sound like sarcasm, it’s actually not. Both were excellent and both will live in my memory for a long, long time. There were many other highlights to the convention, too, don’t get me wrong, but it’s just that the art show and the mango cheesecake were EXCEPTIONAL!

Due to the bad weather, I didn’t attend the last day of the convention, which means I only got to see half of the art show; however, the half I saw was incredible—so many talented artists! For once I was gratified to be poor, because I would have no way of getting all the art I would have purchased home and no place to put it once I had.

The one frustration I had with the art show was that some of the artists did not have a stack of business cards with their display, so I had no take away (as we weren’t allowed to take photos of the artwork) to remember them by.

Of the artists that did have business cards, here are some of my favorites—alas, you will have to content yourself here with pictures of their business cards, unless you click through to their sites, since I couldn’t take pics and it would be a copyright violation for me to snag pics of their work to share here (which is to say, I very much hope you click through to each site and check out the artists’ work. You won’t be disappointed).

boskone ruthsanderson1Beautiful, medieval-era type fantasy paintings. Incredibly, in checking out her website after I got home, I found out that Sanderson illustrated the cover of three Nancy Drew novels—did I mention that growing up I was a HUGE Nancy Drew fan and I still have my entire collection of Nancy Drew books? Since Sanderson lives in New England, I may have to see if I can get her to sign my copies!

Her illustrations of the novel The Twelve Dancing Princesses are also gorgeous.
boskone ruthsanderson2boskone ruthsanderson3

boskone themuseDespite the fact I picked this card up in the art show area (I think), this is actually a Science Fiction e-zine. However, it does also feature artwork, and what artwork it is! Check out their gallery to discover some amazing artists!

boskone sheilarayyanOkay, sure her artwork is pretty and all, but did you see the Pyrography stuff? Holy cow! So gorgeous! At Boskone she had a whole wall of items—wooden spoons and such and I wanted one so very badly. If I had gone back on Sunday, I would have bought one or two (or ten or twenty). Check out her Etsy shop as well—I love the A Cheshire Cat greeting card design. Might just have to get some of those to add to my giveaway stash.

boskone arwendelyonI fell in love with de Lyon’s Zodiac artwork—at the show she was selling a set of prints (3 x 5 I think) (or perhaps they were greeting cards(?)—I can’t remember) with these designs, and I should have scooped them up. I’m kicking myself now for not doing it when I had the chance. Of course, now I see on her online store that she has t-shirts with the zodiac designs…be still my pocketbook!

boskone beck1I must own the Nogard and Jackpot artwork—hands off, it’s mine! Oh, sorry…did I just get all weird and greedy there? Momentary lapse, I assure you, cause by cuteness overload.

boskone pancakeNot only is his name awesome, but...Dragons(!), and oh by the way, did I mention DRAGONS?! And dragon sculptures!

boskone mccracken“Japanese, faery, and gothic”—I’m not sure it gets much more awesome than that.

boskone loteria1
I had never heard of Loteria prior to this, but I must have these cards now that I’ve seen them!

boskone loteria2

And there you have it--a round up of some of the fabulous artists who caught my eye. Of course, this hardly captures the amazing talent of these artists, so if you get a chance to see any of their art in person, definitely go!

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