Two Men Enter...Why I Walk


Update: Thank you all for your support! I cannot tell you how much I and my family appreciate it.
For those of you still considering donating, checks must be postmarked by 4/23/12!!


Every three minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer...


Today’s blog post is a little heavy, and I apologize for getting all heavy on you, but I wanted to take a moment to talk about something very close to my heart.

Blog: Most Powerful Women in Fiction

March is Women’s History Month and the hot blog topic of the month is “Most Powerful Female Characters in Literature.” Oh, I like this one!


Power can be defined in many different ways—emotional strength, resilience, influence, social status, and kicking-butt-and-taking-names physical strength. In looking over the list that started it all, I can see all those traits reflected there.


In addition to Jane Eyre and Hermione Granger, my top ten list would include:

Blog: Spread the Word

Author Kelly Harmon had a really great blog post about gifts for writers. I disagreed a little with her on the “what not to give” list—I happen to love (and use) notebooks and journals—but all the other suggestions are excellent. Especially good were the marketing help suggestions—if you like someone’s work then spread the word. There are over 200,000 books published each year by traditional publishers and over 500,000 self-published. It can be difficult for any author or book to stand out in the crowd—the vast majority of books sell less than 1,000 copies.