Interview with Ellen Larson


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The Blog Ring of Power Presents...
An Interview with Author Ellen Larson


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Today I'm very excited to bring you an interview with science fiction author Ellen Larson, who I adore. She's a fellow Broad Universe member and a wonderful, wonderful person. I was lucky enough to finally meet her in person at Readercon this past July and to hear her read from her wonderful novella The Meaure of the Universe (which is a great book!). She's here to tell us a little bit about herself and about her forthcoming novel In Retrospect.


Interview with Bonnie Milani


BRoP Logo Revised
The Blog Ring of Power Presents...
An Interview with Author Bonnie Milani


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Today we have science fiction author, Bonnie Milani on the Blog Ring of Power via BRoP member T.W. Fendley. Bonnie is here to tell us a little about her forthcoming novel, Home World, and to share some words of wisdom with aspiring authors.





Parafest 2013 Recap

Parafest 2013 - September 6-7-8
I just got back from Parafest in Bethlehem, PA (where I was helping to (wo)man a Broad Universe table in the vendor hall) and It.Was.Awesome! That might just be the fatigue talking because Parafest as vendor is a long, long event, but I have never been to a fan convention like this one. It's probably not that much different than a comicon, but since I've never been to one of those, I will be using my full array of awe on Parafest.

So...where to start?

September 10th Update on Publishing Dispute

September 10th Update

I'm pleased to announce that Damnation Books/Eternal Press and I have reached a settlement on our contract dispute, which returns the rights to both Hereafter and Thereafter to me. The matter is now closed. Thank you all for your support - I cannot tell you how much it has meant.

So, what does this mean for Hereafter and Thereafter? Well, unfortunately, this means Hereafter will be going out of print (in both paperback and e-book format) for a little bit while I look for a new publisher. I have not yet ruled out self-publishing, either. My goal is to get both books back to market as quickly as possible while also ensuring the highest possible quality standards, and I'm evaluating all of my options. My hope is to have the series back out by December, but in the publishing world that is the same as saying, "tomorrow," which is basically crazy talk. Rest assured, however, that stuff is happening quietly behind the scenes (::cough, already commissioned some new cover art, cough::) and Irene's story is far from over!

Meanwhile, I'm writing again--the unplanned summer holiday is now over and it's nose to the grindstone time. I've joined a new critique group and they seem like a crazily talented bunch of ball busters very lovely people; I've been without the accountability of a crit group for far too long, so it's wonderful to be part of one once more. I'm working on the third book of the Afterlife Series, I'm working on a stand alone SciFi Fantasy, and I'm working on some short stories. It's fall in New England and the creative juices are flowing!

Interview with Michelle Hauck


BRoP Logo Revised
The Blog Ring of Power Presents...
An Interview with Author Michelle Hauck


hauck authorpic2I can't tell you how excited I am to have epic fantasy author Michelle Hauck on the Blog Ring of Power today - Michelle is a good friend and when she landed her publishing deal with Divertir, I jumped up and down in celebration. In addition to being a talented writer and a great supporter of other writers, Michelle is one of the sweetest, kindest people I know. Today, she's here telling us a little bit about herself and her debut novel, Kindar's Cure. Please give her a warm welcome!


August 24 Update on Publishing Dispute

The lastest update (September 10th) can be found here

August 24th Update

Just a quick update - as of Wednesday, August 23rd (more than a week since the issuance of the TRO), Eternal Press had given no indication that they have moved to comply with the temporary restraining order and remove Thereafter from distribution. As such, I have submitted a removal request (with a copy of the restraining order) to the main distributors. Amazon has already complied and as of right now (1 am EDT), Thereafter is no longer available via Amazon.

My Go Fund Me campaign to help defray the legal costs of this battle is off to a strong start - thank you so much to everyone who has spread the word via twitter, facebook, and blogs! If you would like to contribute, any amount is a huge help and greatly appreciated!

Interview with Lauren Jankowski


BRoP Logo Revised
The Blog Ring of Power Presents...
An Interview with Author Lauren Jankowski


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Today we have fantasy author, Lauren Jankowski on the Blog Ring of Power via BRoP member Sandra Ulbrich Almazan. Lauren is here to tell us a little about her creative process and about her latest novel, The Storm and the Night.






August 19 Update on Publishing Dispute

Latest update (September 10th) can be found here

August 19th Update

As you know, I’m involved in a dispute with my publisher, Eternal Press (a division of Damnation Books), over Thereafter (the sequel to Hereafter). You can read the details of the dispute below, but basically the gist is that the final version of Thereafter is riddled with errors that make it unreadable and the publisher, knowing this, published it anyway.

So, the month that has passed since my last update has been spent in quiet legal maneuvering. Contractually, the publisher has forty-five days to correct any breach of the contract, once it has occurred. Through my lawyer, the publisher was formally notified that a breach had occurred; the publisher denied a breach had occurred.

Then the publisher was notified of my intention to invoke the early termination clause of my contract if she did not fix the breach; the publisher ignored/didn’t respond to this letter.

Then the publisher was notified that, as she had not fixed the breach (after the forty-five days), she was in breach of contract and all rights to the book, as per our contract, were now returned to me and she needed to remove the book from distribution, and if she didn’t, then I’d be filing suit for breach of contract and seeking an injunction to stop her from distributing the book; the publisher ignored this letter as well.

On Monday, August 12th, she was notified that we were filing for a Temporary Restraining Order; the publisher stated that even if I was awarded a TRO, she had no intention of stopping distribution of the book (she also told my lawyer to tell me that I should stop pursuing legal action for breach of contract because she hates to see people wasting their money).

On Tuesday, August 13th, my lawyer went to court and filed for a temporary restraining order to stop distribution of Thereafter and filed the suit for breach. Aaannnddddd the big news…

Interview with Tracy Lane


BRoP Logo Revised
The Blog Ring of Power Presents...
An Interview with Author Tracy Lane


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Today, we have fantasy author Tracy Lane on the Blog Ring of Power. I saw Tracy's Paranormal Properties popping up all over the internet on blog tour and was intrigued. I cold-contacted Tracy to invite her on the BRoP and she was gracious enough to agree! Yay! She's here today to tell us a little about herself.




Interview with Anne E. Johnson


BRoP Logo Revised
The Blog Ring of Power Presents...
An Interview with Author Anne E. Johnson


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Today, we have fantasy author Anne E. Johnson on the Blog Ring of Power via BRoP member Sandra Almazon Ulbrich, though I know Anne, too. She's a fellow member of Broad Universe and she's hosted me on her blog during my Hereafter release blog tour. Anne is here to tell us a bit about her creative process and her latest novel, Blue Diamond Delivery, a "noir inspired, funny science fiction story." Come on, admit it, that description alone is enough to make you check it out! :-)


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